pedigree selection

英 [ˈpedɪɡriː sɪˈlekʃn] 美 [ˈpedɪɡriː sɪˈlekʃn]

网络  单株选择法又称系谱选择法; 系谱选择; 系谱选择法; 系谱法; 谱系选择



  1. The wheat varieties with high resistance to WSSMV and high yield potential could be developed by both pedigree selection and intervarietal cross.
  2. Breeding Material and Method in Brassica napus ⅱ The improved methods of cross-breeding& Pedigree group selection method
  3. A comparative study on the effectiveness of bulk and pedigree selection in Soybean Crosses
  4. Three stages of varieties evolution including introduction of varieties of tomato, pedigree selection of varieties introduced and descendants hybridized, and utilization of heterosis and breeding in resistance to diseases were reviewed. me developing trend and sibship of varieties of tomato were researched.
  5. A methodology that combining the pedigree selection and recurrent selection within the families initiated as early as in S3 was proposed to develop maize inbred lines with high yield and high combining ability.
  6. "Kefeng S" bred from offspring of "Anxiang S/ Xiangyouzao" through several years 'pedigree selection, is a thermo-sensitive dual-purpose genic male sterile line.
  7. The cluster analysis of gliadin composition is consistent with pedigree and selection history of tested lines.
  8. Pedigree method, mass selection sometimes with artificial or mechanical selections in addition, and method of F_2 derivative lines are the three main patterns dealing with the handling of the segregating wheat hybrids.
  9. As regards selecting and appointing government officials, pedigree selection system and imperial examinations system were the basic ways.
  10. The probability of losing elite genotypes in pedigree was larger than in mass selection.
  11. Pedigree method, backcross method and convergent cross selection are used widely in dwarf maize breeding.